Wednesday, July 25, 2007

3 days in Taitung; day 1

3 days in Taitung,
Day 1

It all started out so innocently. A bunch of fools on a paragliding holiday. It was Yuri's first vacation in 2 years. We went back to our old stomping grounds, Taitung County and Lu Yeh, Kao Tai. Our first stop, plan A, was a potential coastal site in the very south of Taitung County. The wind was off and killed that plan.

Plan B was a couple of other potential sites 150 above the beach, spread out at 10km intervals. We laid out on the road and prayed for an onshore that never came. Packed up and moved on to …

… Plan C. Taimali.

Jin Dzen Mtn has several launches ready to go, if you know where they are and how to fly them. If you don't you can waste a lot of time and/or get hurt. Rob was chomping at the bit, waiting for Yuri or myself to fly it first and clear him for take off. Just as we set up to launch the alto stratus clouds covered the sun. WHAH!!

The thermal cycles became weak and brief. Yuri tried to pull up his 6 year old Trusty and Faithful Allegra to no avail.
Rob was hooked in, pre-flighted and ready.
I moved way back and cleared some weeds to spread out. Doris and Alma floated my glider for my forward inflation. " Just keep saying 'Good' on the radio. If it looks bad, say, 'Stop'."
" 1, 2, 3. "
" Good, good,…"

This is a complex site consisting of a 25 degree slope, a 1 meter terrace, then a 2 meter terrace followed by a line of bamboo trees before you go off the edge, at 900 msl. The take off zone is covered with 30 cm grass which makes running a challenge. There is a 1.5 km glide out to the beach after crossing power lines 500 meters below you. It is intimidating.

I stepped off the edge at the first terrace, with good speed, skimming close to ground, full tilt, brakes up all the way. To clear the bamboo, I would need to hold my altitude or gain a meter just as I approached it. I took the chance on converting my speed to lift at the last moment.

There is a Plan B which you can read about in a future posting.

Eye level with the tops of the trees, about 10 meters away, firmly I applied brake, gained 2 meters. The ridge lift was out there but not strong. It was a flat glide out to the train station, not even able to make the beach. Wish I had a Vista.

I radioed back for Rob to drive down.

Yuri failed to get off there, moved to a better location about 5 minutes drive and got a 10 minute sleddy. I watched him from the train station, landing on one foot and went over to assist.
" What the fook happened?"
"I twisted it trying to take off where you got off."
" Not a good way to start your vacation. It'll get better from here."
" It had better."
" Let's go to Kaotai. It's always on there."


I flew 15kg over weight on the Presta while we waited for the wind to subside. Although calmer, Doris had a real hard time getting off. Probably spooked by the small take off zone and the crowd and squeezing between the tandems. It takes some getting used to. In the end, Doris and Rob got some good airtime, working on rapid decent techniques and passes over the take off zone in preparation for eventual top landings, landing around 7:30 pm.

Fortunately for Rob, the new apco Vista is a VERY forgiving glider.

We went to dinner at place on the beach called Blue Aegean Sea, went to retire. Somewhere in there, I lost a bundle of cash about 13,000 NT thick I was suppose to give to a man about a dog. Oh well, so much for that dog. Somebody got blessed with a lucky envelope. Well, God bless 'em.

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