Saturday, September 1, 2007

top of the day to ya

Yeehaa for September 1, 2007! A crappy day at Wai Ow, To Cheng, Ilan. The sun shone. The children played at the beach. But by the time we got there the thermal was off and on and off and on. The sun was shy hiding every 7 – 10 minutes making for sporadic and intermittent thermal and very lite wind.
The newbies were doing sleddies. The oldies were waiting in vain for thermic conditions. D and I had not slept much the night before. This took its toll on her as she had no strength to pull up her wing. It took 4 tries to get the thing over her head. But once she did, it was all go.
She got the only thermic flight of the day. Yeah, she was lucky to take off at the beginning of a cycle, lucky to grab the only solid thermal of the day. But she was prepared to take advantage of it. She recognized it and made all the right decisions.
As soon as she was in the air she banked right looking for ridge lift. She worked the meager lift for all it was worth. Then, making her way to the beach, she felt the wing tip tug, turned into it and hooked a narrow, gentle one. She took 2 banked 360 degree turns gainin altitude all the way and slipped out the side of the thermal. She got back in again and did 3 more 360’s.
By now she was 50 over launch.
“ Fly over the take off zone and get the house thermal,” advised Teacher Tswei.
She did just that and sank out right over the take off zone. She turned not quite enough to fly out again and chose instead to top land there very gracefully.
Very good decision making, graceful transitioning in turns, good bank angle, and made me look good. hmmm It's not polite ot fly better than your coach. Atta girl, Doris. Keep it up!!!

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